2021. 10. 29. 12:27

A memorandum of understanding has been signed by Hungary’s industry partners of the V4 Smart Platform

The V4 Smart Platform 2 (V4SP2) project will be implemented with the participation of the former domestic industry partners - OTP Bank Nyrt., MOL Magyar Olaj- és Gázipari Nyrt., i-Cell MobilSoft Zrt., Nemzeti Mobilfizetési Zrt. and SAP Hungary Kft. A significant milestone in the project is the letter of intent for cooperation signed on 21 May 2021.


During the Hungarian V4 presidency held in 2017-2018, Nemzeti Mobilfizetési Zrt. launched a professional dialogue and established collaboration in order to implement the V4 Smart Platform.


The aim of developing the V4 Smart Platform is to implement services that can be jointly introduced in the V4 member states, which are interoperable, and which support the convenience of the population and the development of the digital economy. They include ensuring interoperability between mobility (transport) and tourism services, creating a common, unified electronic and mobile payment infrastructure, providing the new generation of digital services in a harmonized, open model, and providing new market opportunities for companies in the V4 member states.


In order to achieve the set goals, the creation of a professional community was started with the participation of domestic industry partners. As a result of this cooperation, possible cross-border service development proposals have been formulated, and the “White Paper” supporting the development of cross-border digital services has been developed with the involvement of international partners.


In the Hungarian V4 Presidency Program 2021/2022, the V4 Smart Platform 2 project is a continuation of the initiative launched in the previous Presidency Program.


Starting from 1 July 2021, Hungary has been holding the rotating presidency of the Visegrád Cooperation, and the project will be implemented as part of this Presidency Program with the participation of former domestic industry partners (OTP Bank Nyrt., MOL Magyar Olaj- és Gázipari Nyrt., i-Cell MobilSoft Zrt., Nemzeti Mobilfizetési Zrt., SAP Hungary Kft.).


The main objective of the V4SP 2 project is to develop, in cooperation with partners, business, legal and technological models of possible services and to prepare pilot projects to be implemented by linking cross-border services.


Another objective is to develop and prepare complex service value chains that are related to tourism and provide flexible planning, ensure interoperability and innovative digital solutions.


The project also provides an opportunity for the member states of the Visegrád Cooperation to create in certain segments, through digitization, a common, single, interoperable market.

2025. 02. 25. 10:54

Customer Information

We would like to inform you that in the NMPS Mobile Payment and Public Transport Mobile Ticket applications, only one-time (ad-hoc) bank card payments are currently available besides other payment methods, such as balance top-up or secure payment solutions (e.g., Google Pay for Android or Apple Pay for iOS). To ensure a smooth and convenient experience, we recommend using the NMPS balance, which can be maintained easily with manual or automatic top-up options. You can set custom limits so that when your balance drops below a specified amount, the system automatically reloads it with a predefined sum (e.g., 1,000 HUF). On the NMFR web portal, we recommend one-time bank card payments besides bank transfer payments in order to use our services.

2024. 11. 12. 11:25

Legal background

The 100% state-owned National Mobile Payment Plc. was established in 2014 to provide digital cashless services under the terms and conditions set out in the 2011 CC Act on National Mobile Payments and the implementing Government Decree 356/2012 (XII.13.). In the course of its activities, the National Mobile Payment Plc. ensures the payment of public parking in Hungary by means of a nationwide uniform mobile payment, the purchase of Hungarian motorway tolls on mobile phones, the redemption of local and interurban tickets and passes for public transport. On 15 December 2020, the Parliament adopted Act CXLV of 2020 on the "Unified Electronic Sale of Certain Public Services", which entered into force on 1 January 2021 and repealed the previous Act CC of 2011 on the National Mobile Payment System ("Nmftv.").

2024. 02. 20. 16:51

National Mobile Payment Plc. Sustainability Report 2023, updated edition is available

We are pleased to be able to report again in this form on the activities, achievements, goals and challenges of our Company, National Mobile Payment Plc. Our unchanging objective is to build a world that will be livable for the generations to come, and this requires unity that concerns not only our employees, partners and service providers, but also our customers.

2022. 09. 02. 11:03

Dear Customer!

Please note that in Budapest, from 5 September 2022, the conditions for the use of certain zones may change pursuant to Municipal Decree 30/2010 (4 June 2010), and certain zones may be merged, thus the previous zone code may change. By changing the zone codes, only the zone classification (zone code) of the parking zones will change, while maintaining the obligation to pay the fees for the areas concerned. The new zone classification for parking areas will be available on the website (https://nmzrt.hu/szolgaltatasok/parkolas/parkolasi-zonak.html) from 03.09.2022.