Dear Customer!
Please be informed that bank card transactions are not available on the web interface due to technical reasons, while only ad-hoc bank card functions are working in the mobile applications.
Thank you for your understanding.
National Mobile Payment Plc.
Legal background
The 100% state-owned National Mobile Payment Plc. was established in 2014 to provide digital cashless services under the terms and conditions set out in the 2011 CC Act on National Mobile Payments and the implementing Government Decree 356/2012 (XII.13.). In the course of its activities, the National Mobile Payment Plc. ensures the payment of public parking in Hungary by means of a nationwide uniform mobile payment, the purchase of Hungarian motorway tolls on mobile phones, the redemption of local and interurban tickets and passes for public transport. On 15 December 2020, the Parliament adopted Act CXLV of 2020 on the "Unified Electronic Sale of Certain Public Services", which entered into force on 1 January 2021 and repealed the previous Act CC of 2011 on the National Mobile Payment System ("Nmftv.").
Warning: fraudulent transactions
In the past period, we have received some credit card transactions initiated by unknown persons on behalf of a system similar to the National Mobile Payment System, which could be confused with it. We have investigated these transactions and found that they were not initiated by the authorized person and that services were billed which are not necessarily part of the National Mobile Payment System (e.g. purchases related to game consoles). These purchase transactions are initiated and executed outside the National Mobile Payment System, therefore no money is moved, and financial transactions, purchases, or debits are made within the National Mobile Payment System.
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