Quality, Information Security and Environmental Policy of the National Mobile Payment Plc

Quality Policy of the National Mobile Payment Plc.

The aim of our company is to ensure that our customers and users are satisfied with the quality of our services, and thus to maintain and improve our market position and recognition. This is achieved through customer and result-oriented, process-based operations, development projects, professional work, gradual expansion of our service and customer base, and the provision of the highest possible level of service.

Our company has implemented and operates a quality management system in compliance with ISO standard, which effectively helps us to meet the requirements and services provided to us with the appropriate quality and to comply with the relevant legislation and other external regulations.

To this end, our Company

  • develops and expands its services, following international trends, to offer modern and efficient technological solutions
  • through its service methodology and stakeholder engagement, to ensure that the processes supported by our services are economically sustainable in the long term
  • enforce its quality expectations to its subcontractors involved in meeting customer requirements
  • Promote quality conscious and professional excellence through training and internal communication forums
  • Maintain and develop a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001
  • It takes measures to ensure that the material and human resources, the appropriate background and working conditions are economically available for quality work


Information security policy of the National Mobile Payment Plc.

Information, its availability, integrity and confidentiality are of paramount importance for the successful operation of our Company. To enforce this, we have established and maintain an ISO/IEC compliant information security management system. Within this system, we ensure the confidentiality of business information, the continuous availability of the IT infrastructure and databases that support our operations, data compliance, the confidentiality of our partners' data and the personal data of our employees, and compliance with external regulatory requirements.

Our information security activities

  • based on risk assessment, and develop and operate operational arrangements commensurate with the risks assessed
  • We consider the human factor to be critical to security and we ensure that all our employees and subcontractors are aware of the risks associated with their activities, their role in managing them and that they manage them appropriately
  • We have established and operate a strict access control system in our IT systems, while ensuring protection against external intrusion and viruses
  • we continuously monitor the operation and effectiveness of our information security system, the incidents that may occur and use this information to set our improvement targets


The Company's environmental policy

In the Company's practices, environmental factors are assessed primarily in relation to the Company's products and as part of the education process to promote the dissemination of our services. Electronic payment and receipting based on mobile devices minimises the use of paper in the process of purchasing various tickets and entitlements, and with it its logistics. Another important impact is the reduction of cash in circulation, which also means a significant reduction in logistical costs, together with the substitution of physical money. In the light of these considerations, when assessing the environmental impact of our services, we must first and foremost assess whether we are developing our services with sufficient commitment, effectiveness and efficiency to reduce the environmental emissions in our immediate environment. The management of our Company is committed to ensuring that the expectations set out in the founding intent, the mission statement and the current strategy are reflected in the reduction of environmental impacts, thereby contributing to the development of environmental sustainability. An objective assessment of this operation is provided by the dynamics of mobile payment transactions over time and the number of business service areas covered.

The day-to-day operations of our company are carried out in an office environment, with significant use of IT resources. In response to the challenges of the times, our Company also strives to reduce our environmental footprint. The main areas of focus may be to reduce, where possible, the specific electricity used in operations, either directly or through operational subcontractors, and to extend the depreciation cycle of IT assets over time where possible. In order to develop environmental awareness among our staff, further programmes can be developed to optimise municipal waste emissions, office paper consumption and car mileage in day-to-day office operations.

The management of our Company is committed to developing an environmental management system in order to improve our environmental performance and thereby improve our social utility. Management makes its commitment evident and expected through environmental targets to its employees and, where relevant and possible, to the Company's stakeholders.



Budapest, 2 March 2020.