
Mobile parking provided as a public service has been operating in Hungary in a unified system since 1 July 2014. Nemzeti Mobilfizetési Zrt. acts as an integrator between parking operators and resellers providing mobile payment services.

Payment for parking using a mobile device

In paid parking zones, fees charged by parking operators can be settled quickly and conveniently using mobile devices:  By sending an SMS, by making a phone call or by using a mobile application.

Nemzeti Mobilfizetési Zrt. +36 30 344 4805 / +36 30 344 4806 +36 1 989 ZONE +36 36 889 889 YES
evopay +36 30 555 5580 +36 1 9999 798 +36 1 9999 799 YES
YETTEL +36 20 763 ZONE +36 20 763 ZONE 1220 YES
TELEKOM +36 30 763 ZONE +36 30 763 ZONE 1414 YES
One Magyarország Zrt. +36 70 763 ZONE - 1270 YES
MPARK - +36 80 64 ZONE +36 21 202 8000 YES
BARION - - +36 1 464 7099 YES
VoxPay +36 30 555 5559 +36 1 999 0633 +36 1 225 7603 YES
One (DIGI Kft.) +36 50 130 ZONE - 1270 NO
Erste MobilPay - - + 36 1 346 0508 YES
Skyguard - - +36 1 555 4400 YES
Simple - - +36 1/20/30/70 366 6611 YES
ITS Pro Kft. - - - OBU/YES
Secret Control - - +36 1 283 0740 YES
PetTrack - - +36 30 477 0127 YES
TPARK - - +40 760 239 979 YES
ParkAID - +36 30 631 1019 YES
Parking Hungary - - YES
Parkl - - +36 30 971 9900 YES
Plomba Kft. - - OBU
i-Cell - - +36 1 467 1750 YES
iData - - +36 21 2000 600 OBU
MOL Limitless Kft. - - - OBU
Mobile LBS Kft - - - YES
cristo - - +36 30 128 7577 YES
nDRU - - +36 30 64 24 126 YES
E-alkusz - - +36 70 319 3430 YES
CityApp - - +36 21/2424-200 YES
- -  +36 1 335 33 55 YES
ML Global Systems Kft. - -  +36 80 555 666 OBU
Netrisk Magyarország Kft. - -  +36 1 413 3480 YES


Characteristcs of parking started with a mobile application

The communication costs are the lowest in the case of mobile parking performed via mobile internet. It facilitates a quick start of the mobile parking.


It is only accessible to people with smartphones. Downloading and installing the application requires a single longer time. The availability of the service is affected by the quality of the mobile internet.


The free mobile parking application can be downloaded either by reading the QR code on the parking zone sticker or at the website. The application also allows to start and stop the parking, as well as to immediately transfer the parking fee.

By making a phone call you can start your parking at the following resellers:

evopay Yettel Telekom logo MPark voxpay

Characteristics of parking started with a phone call:

The service is available to anyone; however, it is conditional on the support of mobile payment by the given service provider. It allows mobile parking to start quickly and is the fastest way to confirm.


It can only be used for vehicles with a license plate number that is assigned to a specific telephone number.


Parking will start after calling any of the phone numbers on the parking zone sticker, and it can be stopped on the same phone number.

By sending an SMS you can start your parking at the following resellers:

evopay Yettel Telekom logo one_logo voxpay

Characteristics of parking started with an SMS:

Depending on the service provided by the mobile payment partner, parking can be started for the license plate number and for the duration specified by the customer. In the case of parking for a fixed period of time, it is not necessary to send a stop SMS.


The longest payment method.


Parking starts with an SMS containing the vehicle’s license plate number sent to one of the phone numbers on the parking zone sticker and stops by sending the word STOP.


User guide for the customers of Nemzeti Mobilfizetési Zrt.

With a mobile application

The free mobile parking application can be downloaded either by reading the QR code on the parking zone sticker or at the website.


An application that simplifies the use of the service, with which you can buy your e-vignette and conveniently park in the public parking lots of Budapest and a number of rural cities.

Parking in a public parking area:

Positioning is performed by the GPS built into the phone, and

the position of the device is then displayed on the map.  Please always check the accuracy of the positioning! If the position of the vehicle on the map does not match the location of the parking lot, it is necessary to change the exact location of the vehicle on the map, after which parking can be started for a definite or indefinite period of time.


We do not fulfil claims for damages incurred in connection with surcharge resulting from improper use of the application.


When starting parking for an indefinite period of time, please observe the maximum parking time specified in the parking area!

By making a phone call

Mobile parking can be started by phone call only for the license plate number to which it was already assigned during registration on


Starting: +36 1 989 ZONE (+36 1 989 1234)


After the call, a female voice will confirm the successful start of your parking: “The start parking request has been processed. Your parking has started.”


Ending: +36 1 989 ZONE (+36 1 989 1234)


After the call, a male voice will confirm the successful end of the parking: “The end parking request has been processed. Your parking has ended.”

By sending an SMS

By sending an SMS message, parking can be started for any registered license plate number.


Starting: +36 30 344 4805

Text of the SMS to be sent: ZONE License plate number


Ending: +36 30 344 4806

Text of the SMS to be sent: STOP LICENSE PLATE NUMBER


Zone map

The zone map contains detailed information on the paid parking areas and fees in Hungary.